Our Product

Repair and Maintenance

KAI is authorized by Lockheed Martin for maintenance service for Biological Aerosol Warning System (BAWS) in Japan. Also, we offer automatic flight inspection system for the inspection of airport facilities and repair services for aircraft instruments.


BAWS is a system to activate a warning instantly by automatically detecting biological aerosol in the atmosphere. KAI provides a highly reliable maintenance service utilizing purpose-build diagnostic system and know-how that KAI has achieved throughout its history for failure diagnosis, repair, and inspections after the maintenance of the detector and warning sections of the system.

  • [Product image]: BAWS

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Automatic Flight Inspection System

We offer maintenance services for the Automatic Flight Inspection System (AFIS), which has been used to test inspection equipment, such as instrument landing systems, navigation support systems, and wireless communication systems, installed in airports.

[image]: AFIS

Carrier Aircraft
  • U-125, YS-11
Target Device
  • Marker/TACAN
  • VOR/ILS Receivers
  • Interface Unit
  • Graphic Positioning Sensor

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Aircraft Instrument Repair Service

We retain maintenance techniques for analog flight instruments and aviation instruments to offer repair and technical services, such as replacement suggestions for alternate products and instrument updates.

[image]: Supported devices

  • Diaphragm Type Indicators
  • Pressure Gages
  • Gyroscopic Indicators
  • Synchro-type Indicators
  • Actuators
  • Miscellaneous Equipment

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